Friday 25 April 2014



For this week, is given FYP2 briefing for the second time. The briefing 2 set at TTL1 and start from 3pm until 5pm. For the briefing is handle by Sir Azlan and Mdm Haslinawati.

Mdm explain detail about the project demo preparation to all student taken FYP2, she also mention about the Industrial Day that fall on Friday, 16 May 2014 start from 8am until 5pm. For degree students start in morning while diploma student start in evening. Mdm also have mention again about project presentation or demo is 40 percent.

Sir Azlan explain detailed about how to design the poster and how to present during industrial day. The poster should compulsory a few important detail which is introduction, objective, methodology, result and conclusion. After that Sir also have mention about colour of poster and format of poster. Also mention about submission form, metadata form and color of hard cover that have 2 type of colour. one is dark green is for diploma student and dark blue for degree student. Lastly talk about step to claim form of project, for diploma max RM300 and degree max RM500 only. After that talk about project submission form is needed to verify of supervisor and comment of supervisor.

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